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Liz Cheney's "dire" warning against reelecting Trump

newtboy says...

Where was this Liz Cheney in 2015 when she might have made a difference?

She’s 100% correct. If MAGA retains control of the house, the speaker will follow the unconstitutional scheme and reject the democratic electors and simply install Trump as absolute dictator, a position no person has ever walked away from, and it will end the great American experiment in democracy at just under 250 years old.

Google's New Anti-White A.I. Image Generator "Gemini"

Tyrannical Government

newtboy says...

Any time you can ignore court orders and be fined nearly $40k a day in fines for 6 years with no jail time or even escalations in fines you have proven the controlling agency has no real authority.
Guaranteed there’s more to this than she’s saying, and a reason it was illegal to move the waterway…like this “ditch” was really a natural stream and he destroyed “messy” wetlands and the stream habitat and maybe an endangered species because he didn’t like them.

Edit- Close…he dug a pond on a stream going through his property without federal permits (he got local permits but those don’t cover waterways), dumping the spoils where they would get washed downstream. He refused to talk to the EPA or mitigate the stream contamination and just ignored them and ignored the courts for years, and racked up huge fines…which were waived in the end and he was forced to plant trees to stop erosion and temporarily fence it off to keep his livestock away from his stock pond (making it useless).

In the end this is a story of wishywashy government UNDERREACH @bobknight33, not tyrannical government overreach…it’s an obstinate asshole getting away with blatantly and intentionally ignoring the law and the courts and his downstream neighbors and a government agency that let him do it with no real repercussions. What was your point? That Republicans thumb their noses at laws and order? 😂

Hunter Biden makes Millions from China and Ukraine

newtboy says...

Oops, the “informant” Republicans relied on for the basis of their investigation of Hunter and Joe Biden has now not only admitted he was lying but now admits he got his fake information from Russian intelligence agencies.

Student Car Goes 0-100 In 0.95 seconds

Student Car Goes 0-100 In 0.95 seconds

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh Geebus…Trump defamed Carrol again over the weekend, opening himself up to another defamation case, for over 10X the award of the last one….and prison.
She is going to own his entire estate.
Clearly he wants that, then he can claim he’s the victim again.

His gold sneakers aren’t going to save him. His go fund me page isn’t going to save him. His PACs aren’t going to save him. He will not be saved. Enjoy going down with him.

BTW- In the Carrol deposition, after mistaking Carol for Marla, he’s asked when he was married to Ivana and he doesn’t know. That was years ago, and he’s not the man he was then. You have made such a big deal about the report Biden didn’t know what year his son died (without a shred of evidence to back up that spurious claim) but we have little Donny on video deposition exhibiting his Alzheimer’s years ago.

Once again Trump was ranked as the worst president in history by presidential historians, and most divisive and most overrated. Biden came in at #14.

bobknight33 said:

More failed lies that only stupid gullible people like you lap up.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 I never believed that nonsense, I was clear from day one that it always blatantly dishonest propaganda. You still believe the failed lies despite so many admissions by the architects themselves that it was all totally made up. 😂

Don’t lash out from jealousy…you can’t do anything about your stupidity, but you could open a book or learn how to type “google” and learn some facts, then you may become less gullible.

bobknight33 said:

More failed lies that only stupid gullible people like you lap up.

Rocket vs ice lake

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Yes, it was a foregone conclusion….because he was undeniably guilty.
Yes, he was guilty before the trial started, and he was legally found to be found guilty after discovery, which is after the trial started. The uncontested evidence proved his guilt beyond any doubt, reasonable, shadow, or sliver…none.
The finding of reality came last year when he couldn’t provide any evidence to contradict the fraudulent contradictory filings he had made.
This trial was only about disgorgement of the ill gotten gains he made through that fraud.
I watched much of it, it absolutely wasn’t a railroad job, his team was given more leeway than any defense team in recent history, every opportunity to put on a defense, they had none, and were clueless about court procedures which could have led to sanctions and contempt charges, and would have for any other defendant.

It was a near hit job, railroaded by his own lawyer’s complete incompetence, and that’s going to end his appeal too, she can’t appeal anything not brought up at the first trial (and SURPRISE! Ineffective council is not a cause for appeal in civil courts…D’OH!). This means Trump has nothing to appeal, and would have to put up all the $350 million in cash in what amounts to escrow before he can even file one. He doesn’t have it, so can’t even try to appeal. I won’t be surprised if he can’t come up with the $89 million to appeal the Carrol decisions. 😂

This WAS total BS, Ivanka shouldn’t have gotten the sweetheart deal of waiting to prosecute until after Trump left office and been let off, she absolutely was part of the Trump Organization Fraud for years, and benefited from the frauds personally to the tune of tens of millions. They also should all see prison, they stole over $350 million through fraud, people lost everything, people died…this gimme is total BS, we agree.

34 felony counts trial coming next month! Can’t wait! Lemme guess, you don’t think he lied about paying off a porn star he had sex with by pretending it was a business expense, and if he did who cares…right? Just because that’s a number of serious felonies, who cares? Right? 😂

bobknight33 said:

This was a forgone conclusion.
Trump was guilty before the trial started, per DA and Judge. This was not a finding of reality only to punish Trump. This trial was only decide punishment in a dollar amount.
I doubt anyone here watched the trial -- I did -- I was a railroad job. Trump will appeal and will win. This was total BS

Shower thoughts

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Another bought “whistleblower” indicted for lying to the FBI about the Bidens.

An FBI informant whose allegations have been cited by congressional Republicans was charged on Thursday with lying about the supposed business dealings of President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden.

Special Counsel David Weiss alleges that Alexander Smirnov, 43, told an FBI agent he spoke with the owner of Ukrainian energy company Burisma – on whose board Hunter Biden sat – about the company’s desire to do business in the United States."

He has been officially charged with making up all the accusations he made against either Biden.

Poowa wittle Bawby…da mpeachmint ain’t goin’ so guud.

bobknight33 said:

Hunter is bought

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Remember this?….still applies.

MAGA falling star Boebert couldn’t even get mentioned in her latest “debate”. Her opponents have realized that she’s not worth attacking and is better ignored completely. It’s incredibly gratifying to watch the masses turn away from fascist delusional MAGAism and back towards legislators that want to legislate, not destroy our government (and let us become a Chinese satellite nation). Buh-bye Bobo. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Your so gullible and blind.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


You don’t honestly think there’s one person here who agrees with you, or that doesn’t see every infantile attack as an admission from you, do you?
I mean, I’m not the one who believes every idiotic lie that comes out of a repeatedly convicted con man, rapist, chomo, and fraud. I’m not the one who goes deaf blind and mute every time their stupidity is proven to be pure delusional twaddle.

Hey, I’ve got an idea. How about trying to get your information from somewhere that can show you entire sentences without quick cuts that 100% change what the speaker is saying? No, then you would have nothing to post, because nothing you post is honest or reality, sucker.

😂 That’s it Bobby, I’M gullible, you’re informed! 😂 🤦‍♂️ 😂

BTW- Trump has blamed losing Santos’ seat on the MAGA candidate not endorsing him, forgetting that she absolutely fully endorsed and defended him multiple times on camera. D’oh!

Bonus- Trump lost his final bid to throw out the 34 felony count case in NY for business fraud in his pornstar payoff case. GOING TO CRIMINAL TRIAL ON 34 FELONY COUNTS ON March 25.
Hilariously Trump is denying his own statements and social media posts are his statements and posts….not very smart, it’s only going to annoy the jury and expose him as an infant. It’s also going to give the prosecution to bring in Daniels to describe their sexual encounter and the payoff in vivid televised detail.

bobknight33 said:

Your so gullible and blind.

surfingyt (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

There are no Republicans left. MAGA RINOs ate the party, no true Republican would still call themselves one.
My mother voted 100% Republican her entire lifetime, but started being disillusioned by Bush jr (she campaigned for Sr) and more so by Palin. She, like many others, says she didn’t leave the party, it left her.

I agree Russia is going to lose here…already has by many measures. I just hope American soldiers don’t end up doing the fighting or things will get out of control FAST. We are not well known for our restraint or de escalation and don’t want to be in direct conflict with a nuclear power. Fighting them by proxy is the pest possible fight for us, we should be pouring ammo into Ukraine as fast as they can shoot it or we will end up spending way more. Ukraine is the first step in Putin’s Soviet restoration plans, not the last.

surfingyt said:

"republican" lol. their party has become so corrupt and lost its way. cant believe im hearing a republican encourage russia to attack our allies. did they learn nothing from the cold war? we kicked the crap out of russia. we will do it again.

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