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newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

He will get even more votes

newtboy said:

OH SNAP!!! How do you think that’s going to play with his base, being broke, homeless, divorced (no way in hell Melania is staying without the money), and convicted of such major and persistent fraud that even New York kicked him out!?! 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Democrats need to do this because they had to cheat lat election way more then thought. And now since they are loosing more voters and black voter they need to stop Trump from even being on the ballot, even though illegal. But that never stopped the DNC machine from doing what is right.

Still living in the dark -- Bitter man you are. Why Free your self from the bondage of the Democrat party. Bernie is a Joke your guy Peat never had or have a chance- Trump is the guy -- You can write him in on your ballot.

MEGA 2024

newtboy said:

AZ and Colorado cases to declare him an insurrectionist and remove Trump from the ballot are proceeding, he lost trying to move them to federal court where his fake “judges” could ignore the law and let him off the hook (like Ms Cannon has repeatedly tried).

In NY you have 15 days to request a jury trial after indictment.
First Trump’s motion to dismiss the NY fraud case was denied.
Second Trump and Habba were sanctioned for failure to turn over documents in the case.
Third Trump tried to move his case to the commercial division of state court to get a new judge, denied.
Fourth he tried to claim in federal court that the NY fraud case somehow violated his civil rights, lost the case.
Fifth he tried to get a Florida judge (first state then federal) to halt the NY State investigations into his finances in Florida, denied and almost sanctioned again.

Now it seems during this lengthy delaying and obstructing process Habba forgot to file in NY court to request a jury trial (or maybe she assumed a jury would definitely convict and a judge might not) but now the deadline has long expired, and they’re suddenly realizing the judge they have is not a “judge Cannon” “anything for Trump” type.
Now the judge they’ve tried everything possible to escape not only runs the trial but also decides the verdict! They gambled and lost huge. No one to blame but themselves…and their own incompetence. You get the representation you deserve! Oof! 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Since Jan 21. Never Said than or anything even close.

Everything is winding down. It takes time. But you are a joke of information. You think you know everything but you don't. I don't I just look at at what is going on.

newtboy said:

You’ve been saying that for what, at least 4 months… but really since Jan 21. Hasn’t happened, but sure as fuck did with your party in control. D’oh.

Trump created record setting unemployment levels…record HIGH unemployment.

(Adjusted) Inflation FOR THE LAST 3 MONTHS is 2.1%. For the year it’s 3.2%. I know reading comprehension is not a strong suit for you, but I spelled it out.

“Fed still need to destroy jobs”? Is this a prediction, or your theory? It’s so poorly written with such horrible grammar that it’s impossible to understand you.

More jobs were created than lost dummy…and good paying full time jobs. 13 million net jobs have been created under Biden, 3 million were LOST under Trump, the only modern president to lose jobs.

Massive government spending created the inflation…mostly under the previous administration that added $8 TRILLION to the debt in 4 years and dropped federal income significantly by letting billionaires pay less in taxes than fast food workers.

The economy is doing great. Inflation is low, wages are rising fast, unemployment is nothing, the market is booming, predictions for recession have evaporated and now they’re for a boom. Only morons that refuse to accept that a Democrat is better at the economy than conservative know nothings that refuse to admit it, but the numbers CONTINUE to bear it out despite your constant insistence it’s going to crash next week.

Tomorrow,tomorrow, we’ll go broke tomorrow, (but) it’s always a day away. -bob

Keep fooling yourself. Bidenomics is helping Americans and it’s getting better constantly. People who ignorantly believe what you say wouldn’t ever vote Democrat anyway, no matter what, but everyone else outside the cult sees reality and that’s great for the left and a disaster for bankrupt MAGA, especially next November.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

3.8% unemployment will go up.
Inflation is not at 2.1% Going down yes but not at target.
FED still need to destroy jobs.
670K Full-Time Jobs Lost In 2 Months Vs 1 Million Part-Time Surge; Worst Unadjusted August Payrolls Since Great Recession.

Massive Government spending created this.

Keep fooling yourself . Biden economics are hurting Americans and it will get worse.

newtboy said:

Now inflation is down to 2.1% over the last 3 months.
Yes, unemployment rose to a still rock bottom 3.8% despite 180000 jobs being created as people entered the workforce. That’s very healthy.
Wages are still rising, now at double the inflation rate, mostly at the bottom instead of the 1% that got all gains under Trump.

I guess I need to give it ANOTHER month, right? It’s all going to fall apart…you just know it! Trump said Biden has dementia, it’s not possible he’s far more competent than his predecessor. 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

I know you have you head up your ass -- But if you take it out and ponder this .

Why is it that the DOJ and the like dismiss and or slow walk Clinton and Bidens crimes and slammed the peddle to the medal on Trump?

With respect to your long winded burp -- This is just for show to take Trump from running. Just to peel off 3% of the vote and hope he looses 2024. No crimes except shooting at trump for the media enjoyment.

newtboy said:

Bwaaaaaahahahaha!!! Well, Trump got his wish to delay his treason trial (the stolen top secret document one, I know, there’s so many it’s impossible to keep track). Smith had requested a Dec 3 2023 start date, Trump requested no trial date but a meeting after the election to see if there will be any trial at all (because he assumes he will be able to just pardon himself) and Trump friendly judge Cannon delayed the trial like Trump requested….to May 20, 2024! Perfect timing for it to be the headlines all summer during the campaign. Good luck running a campaign from the defendants table!
Remember, he said being under investigation is a disqualifier. Expect to see that in ads all summer as he “defends” himself against 7 treason cases (expect defenses like he tried in Carrol’s case….absolutely none.). 😂
He also lost his ploy to transfer his NY criminal cases to federal court…so no escaping those 34 serious felony counts. The federal judge actually said there’s substantial evidence that Trump committed these cover up crimes in NY state trying to hide his payment for sex with porn stars while Melania was pregnant. That case also set for next year! Enjoy!
Also we found out the topics of the upcoming charges for Jan 6…1) conspiracy to commit offenses against or defraud the United States 2) witness tampering 3) deprivation of rights under color of law. All 3 serious legal violations with dozens of felonies included under each topic, each carrying serious prison penalties. Smith is no sucker, if he said these are the topics of the crimes he’s investigating, he already has more than enough evidence to convict. Enjoy another slam dunk case about massive Republican election fraud and an attempted coup in late summer 2024 that also heavily implicates every sitting Republican in congress …coming fall 2024. 😂

Oh….and don’t forget in 2024 there should be something like 7 new seats in the house, all from newly created Democratic or minority led districts from red states like Alabama and Louisiana that have already been”convicted” of having violated the voting rights act to disenfranchise their minority populations and minimize their political power by gerrymandering (and some from NY too) and 32 more redistricting cases from red states like Texas and N Carolina that blatantly violated the federal Voting Rights act by intentionally minimizing and dissolving minority districts as much as possible, but they haven’t lost in court…YET.

This is America WINNING!!

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

She was point out crimes of Hunter.
The data show from his own laptop .

The laptop is real and the FBI knew it. This information would had sunk Sleepy Joe from winning.

"During a transcribed interview with the House Judiciary Committee, an FBI official revealed that at least one senior agent, along with potentially others, who had alerted social media companies about a potential “hack and dump” operation before the 2020 election, were aware of the authenticity of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

As the House Judiciary Committee’s official Twitter account noted, “Testimony reveals the FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was authentic, but when asked by a social media company about the laptop’s authenticity the FBI said ‘no further comment’.”

The FBI official, Laura Dehmlow, participated in discussions between the FBI and Facebook prior to the social media platform’s decision to censor the story related to Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election. Furthermore, The Intercept has indicated that Dehmlow was also involved in the Biden administration’s endeavors to suppress and censor content on social media platforms in relation to misinformation."

Bobnight 61 Nutboy 2

newtboy said:

(Oops, meant to quote, not profile page this)
ROTFLMFAHS!! Hunter Biden stupidity again! LOSER! You dumbshits just refuse to learn…he admits smoking crack and sleeping with hookers….(Trump always pays for sex using company money, I would think you might applaud Hunter following his lead)….he’s a private citizen…nobody cares. Rapist Trump’s dead brother who the entire family intentionally let die alone was a drunk racist…do you care?

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Im glad your little brain is being entertained.

But on the flip side I wold say that the CNN and the rest probably only mentioned it less than 20 times,

Since I do not have cable I do not participate in that constant daily crap.

newtboy said:

Er mer gerd….FOX (and I’m certain other righty propaganda outlets) is now complaining about hearing about Hunter Biden all the time! Last month FOX mentioned Hunter Biden 1300 times, more almost twice an hour 24/7….but GAWD DAMNIT WHY WON’T THOSE DAMN LIBTARDS STOP SHOVING HUNTER BIDEN IN YOUR FACE!?

He’s constantly going on TV giving speeches…oh wait, that’s Don Jr, ok, he’s always posting coked out videos attacking his fathers enemies….oh wait, that’s Don Jr…we’ll, he’s intricately involved in his father’s administration creating disastrous policies and agreements while being unbelievably high on coke….oh wait, that’s Don Jr.. I wonder, besides right wing propaganda, how many times has Hunter been in the news? Once? Twice in 3 years? 🤦‍♂️

You ijits are just too fucking hilariously clueless. So pissed at yourself for being utter morons completely devoid of rational thought processes or factual information, but unwilling to admit it because that might be rational. 😂😂😂😂😂

Trump is going to be your nominee, that’s a given, he took over the party, but it bears noting he is not attracting new voters, not one. He’s playing HARD to his base, but not one bit to centrists, undecided voters, and especially not to Trump voters that switched to Biden. Can you think of a single person who is pro Trump today that wasn’t pro-Trump on Jan 6? He has the second hurdle of Covid, because MAGgots were infected and died at a 75% higher rate than democrats in the same areas, so hundreds of thousands more Trump voters simply don’t exist now or are disabled…directly because of Trump policies. He’s only lost supporters since his failed coup too, and all those RINOS (by which I mean actual republicans that hate Trump’s narcissistic fascism, hatred, division, and stupidity) aren’t voting for Trump. This all assumes he’s not in prison by election time…it’s clear avoiding prison is the only reason he’s running.

MAGA has turned out to be a comedy troupe, like the keystone cops but without the “trying to do the right thing” part. Keep it up, it’s incredibly gratifying watching the fascist MAGgot party crumble under the oppressive weight of their own hatred and stupidity. The massively unpopular 6 week national abortion ban promise from all your candidates for president guarantee you a loss, but you’re too dumb to see it. Loving those MAGA tears, so yummy!

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

What leftest propaganda.
I expect nothing less from a Tool.
Keep living in the dark.

newtboy said:

Yesterday your boy Thomas was caught taking more bribes, these were direct cash payments from lawyers with cases before the Supreme Court that made donations through Thomas’s clerk for “Clarence Thomas Xmas”.
Somebody needs to “remove” those “conservative judges” that have sold the highest court in the land to the highest bidder while thumbing their nose at America and seize 200% of their assets (put them and their heirs tens of millions deep in debt).

Today Republican house members are under investigation for harboring a spy and fugitive, namely Gal Luft, who turns out to be a spy for China among other crimes like bribing high level Trump officials to sway Trump public policy in ways that benefited China and harmed America, and other serious crimes like arms dealing and the secret sale and smuggling of embargoed oil from Iran to China, and who they publicly stated they knew was a spy who had jumped bail in February before fleeing the country. It sure sounds like the MAGA republicans likely aided and abetted and helped hide a direct enemy of America, tried to grant him whistleblower status to protect him from prosecution…all of which may be treason! 😂
Another total failure of MAGA’s schemes to slander Biden.
Another “whistleblower” that turns out to be completely unreliable like EVERY SINGLE MAGA WHISTLEBLOWER, more serious MAGA criminality in efforts to hurt their political rivals, more siding with the enemies of America over the USA. You traitors deserve nothing but a cigarette and blindfold.

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Biden is a corrupt douchebag.
And you look the other way.

newtboy said:

Lol. Tucker/Fox just had to pay the actual real program director/whistleblower $12 million for maintaining a horrifically hostile work environment replete with infantile misogyny and actual sexual abuse and for instructing her (and others) to lie under oath to protect the company, the big lie, and the liars that told it. 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

it’s undeniable factual reality on your fake news spun outlets that you drink.

Sorry but a BSEET from Penn State was not easy.

Sorry perhaps possibly you are the simple Jethro.

newtboy said:

“You’re”, Mr alleged college graduate. Jethro had more education.

Perhaps…because I do still have an infinitesimal 0.0001% hope you might one day return to sanity and reality, so I must be a gullible dreamer.

However, not one word of what I posted was gullibility or dreaming, it’s undeniable factual reality. It’s no wonder you don’t recognize it or accept it. 😂

newtboy (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

I gotta say your a dreamer. A gullible dreamer.

newtboy said:

The Supreme Court just ruled that Trump’s attempted legislative coup (the fake electors) was completely illegal. They ruled that state legislators don’t have the final say on elections (so can’t just send a second set of electors), courts do, and courts can strike down or overrule laws or rules legislators put in effect. This kills the “independent state legislation” theory. This decision also declared your state, N Carolina, must let the court review and approve redistributing maps (meaning Republicans can’t gerrymander there anymore and will lose more political power).
Not good for his Georgia trial where his defense was the legislature had the ultimate power to decide elections unbound by votes…now there’s no defense…again.

They also declared Alabama’s districting maps blatantly racist and illegal, and started looking At Louisiana when they ruled. Both redistricted illegally in order to minimize the power of their huge minority populations for 2020 and 2022 elections, blatantly violating voting rights laws. Now it sounds like two more democrats will be seated from new districts in Alabama and Louisiana, and more will likely win elections in 24 with the playing field slightly less prejudiced. You guys were cheating hard all over the South and still losing, the next election may be Republican’s last. Libertarianism is becoming more popular! 🤦‍♂️ 😂 thanks Trump.

D’oh! Sounds like he just admitted to making copies of classified documents/“different plans” in a recent Fox digital interview. He says “what was said was absolutely fine and very perfectly”.

newtboy (Member Profile)

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