Who would you vote for based on the issues ?

Okay, here's a really simple way to find out which candidates share your views, without the name recognition getting in the way. This script is composed entirely of data collected by www.2decide.com. Enter your choices below and hit GO to rank the candidates.


Here's how it works, if you want to know. If you agree with a candidate, he gets point(s). If you disagree, take point(s) away. Unkown/other results in no points. The number of points given or taken depends on the weight you set. "Meh" is worth 1 point, "important" 2, and "key" is worth 5. The items you disagree about will be listed directly underneath each candidate (if they score greater than zero).

check out the stats page

let's post our results below
qruel says...

Kucinich 55
No Child Left Behind, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence

Gravel 46
Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence

Obama 37
Patriot Act, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 31
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Edwards 28
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Biden 27
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 26
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Richardson 19
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul 15
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

Thompson -15
McCain -25
Giuliani -26
Cox -27
Brownback -28
Huckabee -38
Tancredo -47
Romney -48
Hunter -54

Thylan says...

I was curious, so here's mine. I'm uk though, so not like i'll be voting.

Kucinich 55
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Gravel 38
No Child Left Behind

Biden 33
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 32
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Edwards 31
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 31
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 30
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Richardson 25
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul 12
Abortion Rights, No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

McCain -4
Cox -17
Thompson -20
Brownback -22
Huckabee -23
Giuliani -24
Romney -41
Hunter -44
Tancredo -44

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I've confirmed what already knew - Kucinich is my candidate.

Kucinich 67
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Gravel 51
No Child Left Behind

Edwards 31
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 31
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 31
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Biden 31
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 30
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Richardson 25
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul 14
Abortion Rights, No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

McCain -22
Thompson -24
Brownback -25
Cox -26
Huckabee -29
Giuliani -40
Romney -53
Hunter -55
Tancredo -56

Farhad2000 says...

Not a US citizen but I was curious. I wonder if all of VSers will fall in the same mold of candidates.

Kucinich 44
No Child Left Behind, Net Neutrality

Gravel 38
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Paul 25
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

Clinton 22
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Edwards 22
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 21
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Biden 21
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 21
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Richardson 20
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

McCain -5
Brownback -10
Thompson -12
Cox -13
Giuliani -29
Huckabee -30
Tancredo -40
Romney -43
Hunter -45

qualm says...

Kucinich 120
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Gravel 80
No Child Left Behind

Edwards 60
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 60
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Obama 60
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 60
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Biden 55
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

Richardson 45
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul -10
McCain -30
Giuliani -45
Brownback -45
Cox -45
Thompson -45
Huckabee -55
Romney -85
Hunter -100
Tancredo -100

qualm says...

Hey, going by their stats Kucinich would win by a landslide. He's the first choice of 105447 people out of 192839. The overall shows Kucinich with 359,778 compared to... say, Rong Paul's 51,560.

qruel says...

^Qualm, ouch, you had to throw in the "Rong" paul bit :-)

I'll be the first to admit I was pleasantly surprised by my own results in this poll. I like that I'm being matched with a candidate based on where I stand on an array of issues.

I think that for people who might really agree with a candidate on a few issues (such as Ron Paul) this poll is great at pointing out which candidate is more inline with all the issues one is concerned about. I'd like to see Ron Paul supporters take this poll and see what results they get back.

It has caused me to look further into Kucinich and his stance on the issues and so far I like what I see.

looris says...

Bearing in mind I didn't answer many question I didn't know what they were talking about, here's my results:

Kucinich 57
Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Gravel 50
Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

Richardson 39
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 39
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 38
Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Edwards 34
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 31
Death Penalty, Patriot Act

Biden 23
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul -6
McCain -8
Giuliani -10
Thompson -27
Cox -29
Huckabee -35
Brownback -41
Hunter -46
Tancredo -47
Romney -51

And that's fun because I've not even the slightest idea who Kucinich and Gravel are, and before this I just thought Ron Paul would have been my choice.

MINK says...

this is very clever way of turning people against ron paul. the reason i would vote for ron paul is not because i agree with him on the issues, but because he is the only candidate who says these issues are not the business of the president.

To disregard Paul because of (for example) his pro life stance is ridiculous... as president he wouldn't impinge upon your Choice at all, he thinks that would be unconstitutional.
Whereas if you disagree with hillary on iran then you're fucked.

And if you think that Kucinich "thinks like you do" well you also have to hope he can actually achieve these dreams in office, which he probably can't.

so i am not taking the test, and i would vote for ron paul if eligible, purely on the basis that he seems to be the only candidate who is a human being first and politician second, and the only candidate who really understands that president != Lord Of The Free World.

it's a very juvenile view of politics to vote for a candidate which an online test tells you is compatible with your views on the issues.

and god i hate these kinds of tests... they are no better than "does he love you? if you answered mostly C then pack your bags! he's going to propose to you and take you to paris!"
You WANT the answer, you WANT to believe it, but it's still bullshit. Don't be so fucking lazy. And read the constitution, it was written by cleverer people than we are.

bamdrew says...

Kucinich 41
No Child Left Behind, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions

Gravel 33
Border Fence, Iran Sanctions

Clinton 33
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 31
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action

Obama 29
Patriot Act, Same-Sex Marriage

That link is bogus. Whether on purpose or by accident its designed to funnel you towards Kucinich and (bizarrely) Gravel. Gravel didn't even vote in a number of the things I noted were important issues to me. Incorporates over-simplified data and an odd tallying system that doesn't make sense to me.

looris says...

Yeah mink, I do agree with you.

I don't think anybody will actually vote based on an test of dubious value found on the net!
That was just for fun.

@bamdrew: yes, that test is totally bogus, I didn't realize it when I posted that reply, but then I had a look at their stats page...

I think it's pretty clear that the test is made so that some candidates are totally advantaged over others, and I think this is not intentional, it's simply because who wrote the test have no idea about statistics and test-making.

Doc_M says...

Yeeah, this is looking a bit inacurate since everyone here basically to the same scores and even when I twisted up my views on some of the issues, I still got the same scores. BTW, if you're conservative at all, you will see the exact opposite of what you saw on your lists... That is: Romney on top and K on bottom.

Also, some of the "issues" were poorly worded, a perfect example being "torture." That's kinda funny having to choose if you're for or against torture. lol. Could have been better worded to get a better feel for what the candidates really stand for and what the polled people really want. NCLB and the Patriot act are others. You can support them, but want them changed... is that opposition then or not? etc.

Romney 37
No Child Left Behind, Torture, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Civil Union

Huckabee 33
No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Same-Sex Civil Union

Hunter 32
No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Torture, Iran - Military Action, Minimum Wage Increase

Tancredo 30
Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Torture, Iran - Military Action, Iraq Troop Surge, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Civil Union

Cox 24
Death Penalty, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Civil Union

McCain 19
No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Assault Weapons Ban, Guantanamo, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Net Neutrality, Iran - Military Action, Minimum Wage Increase

Giuliani 16
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, Torture, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Net Neutrality, Iran - Military Action, Minimum Wage Increase

Thompson 10
Embryonic Stem Cells, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase

Brownback 4
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Net Neutrality, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Civil Union

Biden -1
Obama -4
Clinton -4
Dodd -5
Paul -7
Edwards -9
Richardson -9
Kucinich -30
Gravel -34

The Political Compass site has me:
Economic Left/Right: -1.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.92
LOL @ almost being dead center moderate on both scales.

but the questions on it are pretty idealistic. They'll tell you what you idealize, but not in a very practical way. Still, cool.

qruel says...

This poll seems fair to me. did you people bother to check out the link from which he pulls and compares the data ?


this poll is a very easy way to compare the candidates on issues. If you ahve a question look at the table of the candidates stance on issues and see if they line up with your results. Also take into consideration what the author stated up front about how the system grades.

qruel says...

mink, when did you turn conspiratorial ? (when stating that this was a clever way to turn people against Ron Paul - you really think this poll is that insiduous ?)


did you bother to check out the table of candidates and their issues ?


it seems my poll results came back spot on. the author tells people upfront how the questions are weighted. Now, I'm not a programmer or a statistician, so I could be wrong but it all looks on the level to me

as far as your comment about Kucinich achieving what he is promising once in office. That line of thinking is also easily applied to Ron Paul who is looking to drastically change the system. As if he'll be able to achive any of his grandiose claims (getting rid of the IRS, and many other government entities..)

I think this comment is waaay of base.

"it's a very juvenile view of politics to vote for a candidate which an online test tells you is compatible with your views on the issues."

all this poll did was tell a person which candidate mostly aligns with their views on an array of issues. From that I have looked into Kucinich more and found that in fact he represents my views more than any of the other candidates. Nothing juvenile there, or maybe your using a different meaning of the word.

I liked the poll because it kept the name branding out of the initial polling questions.


qualm says...

While it's been at least three years since I last took the political compass test I didn't expect much change. My previous score was around -9.8s for both scales.

Today I retook the test and I'm happy to announce that I achieved a perfect score:

Economic Left/Right: -10.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -10.00

qualm says...

Check out the scale for the US 2007 primaries. http://www.politicalcompass.org/usprimaries2007

A few words on Ron Paul's politics:

"The usual understanding of anarchism as a left wing ideology does not take into account the neo-liberal "anarchism" championed by the likes of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman and America's Libertarian Party, which couples social Darwinian right-wing economics with liberal positions on most social issues. Often their libertarian impulses stop short of opposition to strong law and order positions, and are more economic in substance (ie no taxes) so they are not as extremely libertarian as they are extremely right wing. On the other hand, the classical libertarian collectivism of anarcho-syndicalism ( libertarian socialism) belongs in the bottom left hand corner."


Doc_M says...

Yikes, based on that usprimaries2007 link, I'm a radical leftist... I think I when I said those questions are little idealistic and non-practical, I meant WAY idealistic and completely non-practical. Either this graph/program was made by an extraordinarily liberal minded statistician or... well, or nothing. It rates very many very liberal democrats as conservatives and even puts Ron Paul as an authoritarian! I don't think there's a "western democracy" that even touches the level of libertarianism that Ron Paul talks up. I suspect this was designed in a very liberal European state.

Economic Left/Right: -1.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.92
Anyway, granted I'm pretty libertarian, it rates me as left of almost every democrat, so anyone who's seen my posts in the past...

Doc_M says...

"How can you determine where politicians are honestly at without asking them ?"
"How can you tell where they're honestly at by asking them? Especially around election time. We've relied on reports, parliamentary records, ... and actions that spoke louder than words."

I think they've miss-rated every candidate.

qualm says...

About The Political Compass

In the introduction, we explained the inadequacies of the traditional left-right line.

If we recognise that this is essentially an economic line it's fine, as far as it goes. We can show, for example, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Pol Pot, with their commitment to a totally controlled economy, on the hard left. Socialists like Mahatma Gandhi and Robert Mugabe would occupy a less extreme leftist position. Margaret Thatcher would be well over to the right, but further right still would be someone like that ultimate free marketeer, General Pinochet.

That deals with economics, but the social dimension is also important in politics. That's the one that the mere left-right scale doesn't adequately address. So we've added one, ranging in positions from extreme authoritarian to extreme libertarian.

Both an economic dimension and a social dimension are important factors for a proper political analysis. By adding the social dimension you can show that Stalin was an authoritarian leftist (ie the state is more important than the individual) and that Gandhi, believing in the supreme value of each individual, is a liberal leftist. While the former involves state-imposed arbitary collectivism in the extreme top left, on the extreme bottom left is voluntary collectivism at regional level, with no state involved. Hundreds of such anarchist communities exisited in Spain during the civil war period

You can also put Pinochet, who was prepared to sanction mass killing for the sake of the free market, on the far right as well as in a hardcore authoritarian position. On the non-socialist side you can distinguish someone like Milton Friedman, who is anti-state for fiscal rather than social reasons, from Hitler, who wanted to make the state stronger, even if he wiped out half of humanity in the process.

The chart also makes clear that, despite popular perceptions, the opposite of fascism is not communism but anarchism (ie liberal socialism), and that the opposite of communism ( i.e. an entirely state-planned economy) is neo-liberalism (i.e. extreme deregulated economy)

The usual understanding of anarchism as a left wing ideology does not take into account the neo-liberal "anarchism" championed by the likes of Ayn Rand, Milton Friedman and America's Libertarian Party, which couples social Darwinian right-wing economics with liberal positions on most social issues. Often their libertarian impulses stop short of opposition to strong law and order positions, and are more economic in substance (ie no taxes) so they are not as extremely libertarian as they are extremely right wing. On the other hand, the classical libertarian collectivism of anarcho-syndicalism ( libertarian socialism) belongs in the bottom left hand corner.

In our home page we demolished the myth that authoritarianism is necessarily "right wing", with the examples of Robert Mugabe, Pol Pot and Stalin. Similarly Hitler, on an economic scale, was not an extreme right-winger. His economic policies were broadly Keynesian, and to the left of some of today's Labour parties. If you could get Hitler and Stalin to sit down together and avoid economics, the two diehard authoritarians would find plenty of common ground.
A Word about Neo-cons and Neo-libs

U.S.neo-conservatives, with their commitment to high military spending and the global assertion of national values, tend to be more authoritarian than hard right. By contrast, neo-liberals, opposed to such moral leadership and, more especially, the ensuing demands on the tax payer, belong to a further right but less authoritarian region. Paradoxically, the "free market", in neo-con parlance, also allows for the large-scale subsidy of the military-industrial complex, a considerable degree of corporate welfare, and protectionism when deemed in the national interest. These are viewed by neo-libs as impediments to the unfettered market forces that they champion.

International Chart

A diverse professional team has assessed the words and actions of internationally known contemporary leaders to give you an idea of how they relate to each other on the political compass.

We regret the present exclusion of some major leaders, especially in the developing world. This is due to our inability so far to contact independent experts.

How You Can Help Us

A great deal of effort lies behind the development of The Political Compass, and the realisation of it in practical form. It has occasionally come to our attention that other sites have tried to exploit our work by copying it, adopting our name, or linking to us in a dishonest fashion.

If you should come across any such sites, please let us know, so that we can take appropriate action.

A few critics believe that we should blow with prevailing political winds and narrow the actual parameters. Please see our FAQ 20.

Thanks from the Political Compass team.
US Primaries 2007
A few words about "The Extreme Right", and a look at the parties in England's local elections
ICONOCHASMS: How well do you know your political icons ?

New material is regularly added to The Political Compass - please keep coming back !

deedub81 says...

McCain 31
No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Assault Weapons Ban, Guantanamo, Wiretapping

Cox 27
Death Penalty, Citizenship Path for Illegals

Romney 27
No Child Left Behind, Torture, Citizenship Path for Illegals

Tancredo 24
Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Torture, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iraq Troop Surge

Hunter 24
No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Torture

Huckabee 24
No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase

Brownback 21
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Wiretapping, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal

Giuliani 21
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, Torture, Same-Sex Civil Union

Thompson 17
Embryonic Stem Cells, Citizenship Path for Illegals

Paul 17
Death Penalty, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Guantanamo, Wiretapping, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Iran Sanctions, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal

Biden 6
Abortion Rights, No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Guantanamo, Wiretapping, Net Neutrality, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Minimum Wage Increase

Dodd 1
Abortion Rights, No Child Left Behind, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Guantanamo, Wiretapping, Net Neutrality, Iraq War, Iraq Troop Surge, Iraq Withdrawal, Minimum Wage Increase

Clinton 0
Obama -5
Edwards -5
Richardson -10
Gravel -23
Kucinich -28

Political Compass-

Economic Left/Right: 0.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.72

(Some of the questions aren't very clear/rigged. There are some 2 part questions in which I agreed with the first half and not the second, or vice versa. It was still kinda fun. [example: It's fine for society to be open about sex, but these days it's going too far. What if I don't think it's fine for society to be open about sex AND I think it's going to far? Some of the questions about the economy didn't allow me to answer them in such a way that accurately portrayed my beliefs. Both surveys seemed to have been designed by somebody with views opposite to my own.)

blankfist says...

Something tells me this test is slightly biased towards Kucinich. Hell, I had no disagreements with Gravel, though Kucinich still got my top vote? Pfft. And, I have to agree with MINK:

"this is very clever way of turning people against ron paul. the reason i would vote for ron paul is not because i agree with him on the issues, but because he is the only candidate who says these issues are not the business of the president."

Kucinich 40
No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks

Gravel 36
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Obama 19
Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul 19
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Same-Sex Marriage

Biden 16
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 13
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran - Military Action

Edwards 13
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Clinton 12
Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Richardson 11
Death Penalty, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Thompson -11
Brownback -17
McCain -17
Cox -17
Huckabee -18
Giuliani -28
Tancredo -34
Hunter -36
Romney -41

qualm says...

How can the test be biased? You read the questions and answered them according to your conscience. Are you suggesting that the test is programed in a devious way to give distorted results?

blankfist says...

^Well, I was kind of talking out of my ass, qualm, but now that you mention it... sure, that sounds about accurate. I believe in abortion rights, but what if I believe (as Ron Paul does) that abortion rights are a state concern and not federal? It wouldn't matter according to the [ahem] "test", because it makes blanket assertions that because RP is against federal involvement in abortion rights (and completely not taking into account his stance on state rights) and because I chose abortions rights to be important in the [ahem] "test", that I must be at odds with Paul. And, therefore, Kucinich must be my man.

Though, if Kucinich wins, we're going to have one helluva a hot first lady in office.

qualm says...

So what you're saying is you believe in abortion privileges not abortion rights. Because if you believed in abortion rights the right to a safe abortion would be guaranteed in every square inch of the United States, not just in the more enlightened states. In other words you believe that women in California have the right to abortion if the people of California choose it, but if a state like Mississippi bans all abortion then that's it for the "rights" of those women there. Each state a tyranny of the majority.

looris says...

qualm. As I've already said, this test *IS* programmed to let kuchinich win. And this is a fact.

I think this was not intentional, most likely who created the test is an ignorant who have no idea what he was doing, so he created a flawed test without even realizing it even when it was blandant.

qualm says...

looris, you've said that, but so far it's just your unsupported assertion. I realize you're not able to provide concrete evidence for your assertion by personally interrogating the test's originators, therefore you need to formulate some form of coherent argument that logically demonstrates exactly why this weird assertion of yours is plausible.

qualm says...

Um, I hate to burst your happiness-bubble but those are the results not an argument. You are making a claim, therefore the onus is on you to form something that resembles an argument. M'kay?

looris says...

you just don't get it, just like the author.

Why everyone who is slightly left-oriented ALWAYS gets Kucinich first AND Gravel second?

And why almost everyone who is slightly right-wing always get kucinich last and gravel just above him?

Because the test is badly written and completely unbalanced. You clearly DON'T KNOW what you are talking about and just troll. You won't receive any more answer if you go on this way: I've stated the facts, and you're just plain wrong.

qualm says...

Maybe because Kucinich and Gravel differ on a few specific issues and the results you find so irritating are borne out by the sift of the various questions. By the power of the sift, looris. That's the reasonable explanation. Facts are not facts just because you say so. The basic rules of engagement require you to formulate an argument. I'm sorry but you've got to do more than just click your heels.

Lurch says...

Romney 22
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Tancredo 21
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Hunter 21
(you have no disagreements with this candidate)

Cox 20
Death Penalty

McCain 19
Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling

Huckabee 18
Net Neutrality

Brownback 18
Death Penalty, Iraq Withdrawal

Paul 13
Death Penalty, Iraq War, Iraq Withdrawal

Thompson 11
Embryonic Stem Cells

Giuliani 7
Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, Same-Sex Civil Union

Biden -7
Richardson -9
Edwards -10
Clinton -12
Obama -12
Dodd -14
Gravel -21
Kucinich -24

For the political compass it gave me:

Economic Left/Right: 2.00
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.33

I agree with Doc_M and others though that have already pointed out that the questions can be a bit vague (Torture) or constructed to not properly record your beliefs. Theres no way I have zero disagreements with all three of those guys on the top of my list.

raven says...

Kucinich 57
Death Penalty, Iran Sanctions

Clinton 43
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Dodd 42
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran - Military Action

Biden 40
Patriot Act, Border Fence, Same-Sex Marriage

Gravel 40
Death Penalty, Iran Sanctions

Edwards 39
Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Obama 39
Death Penalty, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Same-Sex Marriage

Richardson 36
Assault Weapons Ban, Patriot Act, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

Paul 1
Abortion Rights, Death Penalty, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Citizenship Path for Illegals, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Iran Sanctions, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

McCain -5
Giuliani -18
Thompson -20
Huckabee -24
Cox -30
Brownback -36
Romney -46
Hunter -48
Tancredo -53

Nice to know I don't agree 100% with any of them... and anyway, some of those questions kind of seem like its a little too late to be asking them, like the Iraq Surge one... its already happened, why the hell base an election choice on it? I also noticed that aside from the minimum wage question, there were very few economic ones raised like tax hikes, which probably steer more Americans at the polls than many of these other issues... but then again, I guess political candidates tend to not mention such things if they want to get elected... too bad too, I'd like for just one of them to come up with a way to get us out of this abyss of debt we've been led into yet again.

But yes, the test is not flexible enough to account for all my preferences, for instance, I only selected "Support-Important" for Iran Sanctions as preferential to taking military action against them... its that kind of bargaining that one often has to do at election time, and this test can in no way account for that.

dgandhi says...

49 Kucinich Disagreements: (3) No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks

46 Gravel Disagreements: (0)

21 Richardson Disagreements: (6) Death Penalty, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

21 Paul Disagreements: (9) Abortion Rights, Embryonic Stem Cells, ANWR Drilling, Kyoto, Border Fence, Net Neutrality, Minimum Wage Increase, Same-Sex Marriage, Universal Healthcare

19 Clinton Disagreements: (9) Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

18 Dodd Disagreements: (8) Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action

17 Obama Disagreements: (6) Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

16 Edwards Disagreements: (8) Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Iran Sanctions, Iran - Military Action, Same-Sex Marriage

13 Biden Disagreements: (8) Death Penalty, No Child Left Behind, Assault Weapons Ban, Guns - Background Checks, Patriot Act, Border Fence, Iran Sanctions, Same-Sex Marriage

-18 T. Thompson 9/14
-21 McCain 16/1
-22 Brownback 15/3
-23 Cox 13/9
-28 Huckabee 15/5
-35 Giuliani 17/3
-42 Tancredo 18/2
-50 Hunter 20/2
-53 Romney 21/3

I got Kucinich, which I expected, and Paul as #4, which is an accurate reflection of my position. I happen to oppose Paul on his states rights stance on abortion, but if your position is more nuanced then mine I can see it being more difficult to express your preference to the test.

I don't think that the test is necessarily skewed, I would say the candidates are skewed and the test mostly points that out. If you really are on the left, Kucinich an Gravel are really the only two left candidates on the field, it's hardly a surprise that people would get them.

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