Doctor Strange -- chase through a city folding in on itself

Remember the scene where the city folds in on itself from Inception? Imagine that scene cranked up to 11 and turned into a chase sequence, and you've got this part from Doctor Strange. Good stuff.

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I think when he says, "This was a mistake", he was referring to the scene he was participating in I watched it twice cuz i was so surprised how bad i thought it was (just looks hokey and cheap). I just don't get it.


I agree. I thought they did a pretty good job of bringing the "escher on steroids" aesthetic to the screen.

It was a good movie, although I did struggle with Benedict Cumberbunnys accent.


*shrugs* To each his own, I guess. I thought it was a pretty inventive, exciting chase sequence.


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While the cynic in me kind of agrees with you I would still be left asking the question, if not this, then what?

I suppose they could be just chasing each other around New York throwing lightning bolts and fireballs at each other or similar magical tropes. But it would probably come off feeling like just another action movie battle scene where shit gets blowed up good. It feels to me like they're trying to make magic feel like something other than just another super power, so I'll give them points for trying.


I think when he says, "This was a mistake", he was referring to the scene he was participating in I watched it twice cuz i was so surprised how bad i thought it was (just looks hokey and cheap). I just don't get it.


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This is why I don't watch previews at all. (Once I decide that I want to watch the movie at least.) This scene mostly worked in the context of the movie where they were escalating this effect over time, but in isolation it does look a bit silly.


Saw the movie last night, this scene is amazing and anything but 'hokey and cheap' I assure you. Mind your seeing this out of context as well.

**very minor spoiler**

One of the myriad dimensions displayed in the movie, the MIrror Dimension is a place that 'reflects' reality and cannot cause harm to our dimension. It is also highly susceptible to magical manipulation and is connected to the Dark Dimension which gives the villain here a very good amount of control over it. Thus he is able to warp New York city not in reality, but in this Mirror Dimension. This is why at the beginning of the video Mordo says 'this isn't a good idea, it's suicide' after Dr. Strange shifts everyone over to the Mirror Dimension to protect the normal world.

Over-all the movie is a trippy, highly unusual experience with CG unlike ever seen before. It is relatively formulaic in that many Marvel movies but because it goes places and does things never seen before you hardly notice. It's a fantastic experience.

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